Tuesday, February 22, 2011

~ Homemade Room Freshener: A Tutorial ~

Isn't it just lovely when you walk into a room, and it smells fresh and fragrant? We've been having SO much fun putting together all sorts of delicious scents for our home.

Today we decided to make a homemade Vanilla Fragrance~

What you'll need:

1 Pretty spray bottle
Cold Water
2 TB.Vanilla Extract
A lovely tag with your scent labeled on the front.
String or twine to attach the label to the bottle

Pour Vanilla extract into spray bottle and fill up the bottle with cold water almost to the top. Attach the label, shake well, and lightly mist around your rooms!

Store in a cool dark place. If kept in direct sunlight the fragrance will lose its scent...A nightstand drawer or closet is perfect for easy access.

Other Inspirational fragrance ideas~

Try the above recipe with different extracts such as peppermint, lemon, cinnamon, lavender, and orange.
Peppermint and lemon are refreshing, cinnamon and orange gives you that, "fresh out of the oven" smell, and lavender and vanilla are very relaxing before bedtime!

You can find these extracts at most natural health food stores, or at ~  http://www.frontiercoop.com/

So mix and match and make your home smell fresh and delicious!   Let us know which one you make first!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to make this!!!!