Friday, March 30, 2007

Felted Purse

"She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight."
Proverbs 31:13

Here is a purse that I knitted for Grandma (Muddy's mommy). I also knitted a purse just like it, only in blue tones, for Mamie (Daddy's mommy). I always keep at least 2 knitting projects going at the same time, so that I never get tired of one project. I am always knitting, either in the car, or while we listen to our Father's evening devotions. I am currently knitting a baby afghan out of 100% organic cotton that we bought while in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ~Laura


Lydia said...

I am knitting a white baby sweater with a hood, and the yarn has a bit of sparkly thread in it. I think yarn is one thing missing in the lives of many young women. I mentioned in our talk at the online conference that you could compare what was in the hands of young women in previous centuries, say, for example, the Victorian/Pioneer era--whereas they once held yarn and other needle work, now many of them are holding things of vice that will not benefit themselves or anyone else. At least knitting benefits something and calms the nerves (unless you lose stitches)

Audra E. said...

The bag is really neat! I also knit; it's lots of fun! Best wishes for the blanket! I finished making one a month ago, and it was quite a hassle!