Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mystery Project Revealed

It has taken longer than expected, but I would like to now reveal the mystery project that has kept me busy for the past 3 months. Different friends and family have suggested that I should sell some of my projects, so I have set up a website that will make my projects available to a larger number of people that may be interested.

Since I have been selling my projects at the farmers markets I currently do not have any on the website. I will have more time in the months to come to hopefully be able to offer all sorts of fun items for people to treat themselves, or to use as gifts.

Please take a look at Barefoot Seamstress for more details on what's to come.



The Howard Family said...

I agree. It looks very nice and professional. I would love to know how to knit... I know how to crochet a little though.

Olivia, age 14.

Anonymous said...


What does the Eiffel tower have to do with the shop? Just curious.

Your shop sounds really neat.

Olivia (from orchestra)

Proverbs 31 Sisters said...

The Eiffel Tower is just there to let you know that the phrase is in French. It translates to 'needles and thread'. It was a pretty way of letting people know what language the message was!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Laura for telling me that. Very clever and pretty.
