Saturday, April 7, 2007

Mystery Project Clue #2

... And her hands grasp the spindle.
Proverbs 31:19


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Ladies,
I am not sure what your mystery project is but am so looking forward to May to find out!
I have spent a very happy half hour looking at your lovely blog.
Congratulations - it is superb and is now added to my favourites.
Proverbs 31 is my favourite Bible passage.
God Bless you both.
Lynn UK

Spinneretta said...

Hmmm... could it be spinning with a small electric spinning wheel??
Either way, you have a most beautiful blog... and your afghan is just stunning. I hope my daughter wants to knit, crochet, spin and sew with me when she is older!
Well done ladies, you are definitely on the right road :)

Shropshire Girl said...

You have started a lovely inspiring blog and I shall visit often, and I agree you are definitely on the right path.